Travis Walker is the founder of Retail Sales PRO and creator of Liquidation Secrets® marketing system for conducting profitable store closing sales.
The ONLY store closing system endorsed by celebrated retail experts. He is the leading business liquidator helping independent retailers in every category quickly and profitably liquidate assets.
About Travis Walker:
Hi, I’m Travis Walker.
If you’re looking some corporate sounding, third party “mumbo jumbo” – sorry, but you’re about to be disappointed.
I’ve always loved the “about me” page on websites because they’re written in the third person …even though they’re almost always written by the person it’s about.
So after Travis Walker made several attempts to sound smarter than he really is by writing about himself in the third person, he quickly abandoned that approach and decided to write this page like it was a letter to a friend.
Which …in many ways, it is.
Ok, so third party sarcasm aside, let’s get to what you really want to know….
As of this writing I’m looking pretty good for my age (**blushes**). I live in the Sarasota, Florida area when I’m not traveling.
I had an amazing white fluffy dog named Jack for 16 years that I had to say goodbye to in 2023, which was very sad; especially because he was pretty much my home security system that entire time, or at least that’s the impression I think he had.
Seriously…I’m pretty sure that’s not the kind of stuff you’re looking for.
You’re probably wondering,
“Can this guy really help me?”
Well, considering why I’m in this business I would say ABSOLUTELY YES (more on my story below)
But for many readers, my answer is NO.
Here's why:
I cannot help you get more out of your inventory and assets than what they are worth.
For some reason, people confuse “profitably and quickly convert inventory and assets to fast cash” with “getting rid of mountains of your debt”.
I get it.
But if your store is half full of B quality merchandise, and you’re expecting results as though the store were FULL of A quality merchandise…
- We have more in common that what you realize right now – I’ll share more on my story as you read on.
- Marketing and promoting the right way, at the right time, to the right people is critical to the process of doing what I do…
- But I can’t pull rabbits out of hats, although it would be a great skill to have as I’m sure you’d agree.
In watching my father go through EXACTLY what you’re going through right now in looking for a solution; a way out….
I figured out precisely what to avoid as you do your diligence.
Also what to LOOK FOR.
But most importantly HOW to go about it to ensure profit.
In the 21 years since then, as a business liquidator I’ve helped DOZENS OF RETAILERS just like you (in 24 categories) avoid turning their store into a circus like the other guys…
But also turn healthy profits.
As long as you have an inventory in your store that you sell at retail to the public, then my systems work to help you sell it…
- Fast.
- Efficiently.
- Profitably.
So if you’re looking for someone to perform some sort of magic on your situation, I’m not your guy.
I am NOT the cheapest solution.
Yep, that’s right. I’ll tell you that right up front.
I can ABSOLUTELY help you get what you want – which is to walk away with your head held high and with profit…
and I can ABSOLUTELY assure you that my fees are affordable (and based on the success of your sale)…
AND you’ll work directly with me…
not some unqualified or randomly assigned “consultant” that knows nothing about effective marketing and promotion for a liquidation sale…
”cough”, like the other guys…”cough”.
there’s a high cost for low price!
Let me rephrase…
I’ve been helping independent retailers facilitate and run profitable liquidation sales for over two DECADES…
ALL because of what my father went through…
and I know how the “other guys” in this market that provide a similar service operate…
It’s my understanding that they will not charge much and will take just about anyone…
Sometimes cheaper can be more costly than higher price!
I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the most brilliant copywriters in the world.
And getting the right message to the right people at the right time AND in the right way…
is critical.
In fact…
It’s even MORE critical to attracting people to your store for an event like this.
- This is why I work with my chosen clients directly.
- I don’t assign outside consultants to work with my clients.
Think about it this way:
There’s a REASON why I’m the ONLY one in the market who proudly and confidently doles out the names and phone numbers of my competitors.
I want you to contact them.
I pride myself on the fact that I don’t do things the way everyone else does.
When my father was investigating his options for closing his retail stores over 20 years ago…
he discovered some companies that provided store closing services that were less costly than others.
He chose cost over substance and marketing knowledge.
And that ended up being his most costly mistake.
I learned from that.
Having grown up in and around retail and LOVING IT…
I hated seeing my father go through this pain…
and decided then and there that I could help other retailers going through the same thing.
So I “threw my hat” in the proverbial ring, and started Retail Sales PRO to help stop the financial slaughtering of other retailers in the same position…
My systems and secrets for profitable liquidation sales are the ONLY ones endorsed by celebrated retail experts…
And they are also the ONLY ones that specialize in the functional use of strategic digital and social media advertising in order to lower you marketing budget.
Which puts more money back in your coffers!
So if you’re price shopping, looking for the cheapest solution, or don’t have any funds to invest in the BEST, then I’m not your guy.
If you’re not willing to participate in your own rescue, I don’t want to help you.
It’s important you understand what I’m telling you.
I can help you, I just won’t. I’ve been doing this too long. I’m more than capable of it, but I refuse to do it.
Because when I hear someone say, “I don’t have a lot of good inventory left and I’m not willing to get more to have the most successful sale possible”, what I’m really hearing is, “I’m not fully invested in the success of this sale”.
If this is you, then you can easily go with one of the other cheaper companies in the market. Again, they are focused on volume of clients and assign random (ie, unqualified) consultants to help you.
And they’ll take just about anybody on as a client.
Remember, there’s a high cost to low price…
Nonetheless, if you’re not willing to participate in your own rescue and invest in the success of your sale, I’m not your guy.
You’re still here? Good…
Here’s what you can expect from me.
- Proven strategies and tactics (a system I’ve perfected) to launch and maintain your sale for maximum profit.
- Implementation of digital strategies designed to lower your overall marketing budget.
- Advice on when to tell your employees and how to secure their services throughout the entire sale.
- Strategies for the orderly liquidation of your fixtures and equipment.
- Color coded sign kit for your store (nope, you don’t have to remark your stuff every week like you do with the other guys).
- Strategically submitted press releases to ensure you maintain a rock solid reputation in your community (and likely get some free advertising out of it too!).
- A virtual shoulder to lean on as your sale progresses (I promise you, it can get emotional)
Look, it’s the marketing processes you should be focused on as you do your diligence…not the cost of services.
So when I speak to prospective clients after they’ve completed my online questionnaire, I provide them with the names and contact information for many of my competitors (LOVE doing this)…
Remember, the most important thing you should be focused on while you investigate your options for a store closing sale:
The marketing processes used.
But you might still be wondering…
How Do I Know You’re Going To Get Me The Results I Want?
Well, the smartest thing to do -if you haven’t already- is schedule a free, discreet, private consultation with ME (Value $495)…
we’ll discuss your circumstances in depth, and I will let you know IF I can help you…
and if I can then I’ll map out a general game plan, provide you with projections and fees, and if we both feel it’s a good fit…
and assuming your timeframe for wanting to conduct the sale is open on my calendar then I’ll get an agreement in place, so we can move forward.
Remember, although I have a team that helps me orchestrate and implement my systems and strategies, all my clients work with ME directly…
not some randomly assigned “consultant” who may or may not be qualified.
Look, you get ONE SHOT at a successful business liquidation sale. ONE.
Don’t you deserve to do it right, instead of suffering what my dad and so many others have?
See and hear for yourself what some of my previous clients have had to say about working with me. Click Here.
Then, if you haven’t already, schedule a FREE, private consultation with ME directly to discuss your situation and how I may be able to help you.
Pretty simple, right?
Travis Walker